Yes, Francis!: Ways to Help the Post-Pandemic World


    In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic was shutting down countries across the globe, Pope Francis urged us all not to waste a crisis. He challenged us to come up with ways to improve things, to make the world a bit better when the threat subsides and life moves back towards normality.

    At DeSales University in Pennsylvania, fourteen professors in business, economics, healthcare, and education answered the pope’s call with this book.

    Based on our perspective and expertise, here are a series of suggestions on how we can work together to make the United States a bit more just, fair, effective, and humane.

    Following the example of St. Francis de Sales, the patron of our university, we write in plain language with minimal academic jargon, and we make our cases with gentleness and humility. We hope you find our ideas compelling and useful.

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